Community 健康

学位 Awarded:
Certificate in Public 健康

Length of Program:
3 semesters

Application Deadlines:
Accepted year-round
应用 Now

学位 Overview

PG电子APP提供在线公共卫生证书课程,旨在增加有效实践和疾病预防策略的知识,以保护公众免受伤害并促进整个州的健康, the nation and the world.

20至21学时的公共卫生证书是对公共政策知识感兴趣的个人的理想选择, 研究和人口健康科学,以提高他们的职业目标.

课程将包括流行病学(有关疾病传播和控制的科学)。, preventative medicine, health program planning and evaluation, 以及社区卫生倡议的实施. In your final semester of the program, 学生将完成实地工作经验或EEA(道德规范), empathy and advocacy) core course. Those who already have work experience in the field will have the option to take an EEA core course; students who do not yet have work experience in the field will be required to take the fieldwork course. 这种灵活性使有经验的学生不必抽出时间来完成实地工作要求, 而是在他们的职业兴趣和生活经历的特定领域提供指导. 它还为刚进入该领域的学生提供了宝贵的实践学习机会. 这种实践经验为你提供了观察和参与的机会,这在传统的课堂工作中是无法获得的. 

课程全年提供,分为兼职和全日制. 进入该项目的学生很少或没有大学经验,可以在PG电子APP完成他们的先决课程.

成功完成公共卫生证书课程后, 你将在疾病预防方面有丰富的知识, health promotion, social and behavioral aspects of disease prevention, emerging issues impacting public health, 以及我们医疗体系的变化如何影响这些领域.

Tuition and 费用

Estimated rates for the 2024-25 academic year. Rates are subject to change. Find out more information about costs, tuition, and fees.


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Financial Aid

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Undergraduate Tuition

成本 per Credit Hour

成本 per Semester
$8,202 - Full-time (12 hrs)
$4,101 - Part-time (6 hrs)

Undergraduate Tuition$671 / credit-hour
费用 - Included in cost per semester
Enrollment Fee for first time students $150/ each
学位 Specific 费用 - Not included in cost per semester
Lab Fee - General Education $40/ class

Career Overview

Median Salary

$47,000, 2019

Job Outlook

社区卫生工作者的就业正以21%的速度快速增长, thus creating 10,200 new jobs before 2022 (Bureau of Labor Statistics).

Career Options

  • Administration
  • Educational settings
  • Environmental health agencies
  • Grant writing
  • 健康 departments
  • 健康 & wellness centers
  • Hospitals
  • Insurance companies
  • Medical clinics
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Public policy & government
  • Public safety & disaster relief organizations
  • Research
  • Shelters
  • Social service agencies
  • 健康 Education and Promotion
  • Public 健康 Worker
  • Promotora
  • Occupational 健康 & 安全 Specialist
  • Wellness Coordinator

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